Long Range Strategic Plan
2020 to 2030
Approved February 7, 2020
All people affected by HIV, other STBBIs, and related issues live in equitable and inclusive environments of health.
Collective action to promote health and wellness in communities affected by HIV, STBBIs, and related issues.
Positions supported by action
Representing collective voice through shared principles
Member-driven (official ACCH caucuses are members)
Harm reduction and evidence-based lens
Advocacy and collective voice
Social justice lens
Support and explore opportunities for innovation
Nothing about us without us
Community context is important, respectful of local diversity
Undertaking initiatives that are provincial in scope and benefit from the collective voice
Providing leadership in identifying issues, policy input and research at provincial and federal levels· Identifying systemic barriers and developing initiatives to address them
Building relationships with provincial and national leaders to elevate awareness and influence policy and resource allocation
Identifying ways at the provincial level in which people at risk and those living with HIV, STBBIs, and related issues can achieve greater involvement, or more meaningful participation, in decisions affecting their lives
Identifying ways at the provincial and federal levels for the expansion of harm reduction services; including education, overdose prevention, reduction of the stigmas, safe consumption sites, and access to quality healthcare.
We are providing services that benefit from provincial economies of scale.
Provide fund administration for member organizations.
Provides organizational support to members as requested and within reason.
Fund mobilization
Strategic Direction 1 – Strengthening and developing the collective voice:
It is part of our identity to facilitate and strengthen exchanges and leverage the expertise of our membership.
Facilitating partnership building and collaboration, growing the ACCH network. Outcomes
Established positions based on member interaction
Established processes of consultation with the membership
Rigorous evaluation framework
ACCH network covers the entire province
Strategic Direction 2 – Contribute to global targets for HIV and other STBBIsPrevention, intervention, and treatment:
ACCH participates in the normalization and acceptance of U=U.
Advocating and supporting the decriminalization of HIV non-disclosure.
Contribute, review and advocate to new initiatives Outcomes
Contributes to the evaluation, advocacy, and fund mobilization.
ACCH network is contributing to prevention, intervention, and treatment
Strategic Direction 3 – Promote and expand Harm Reduction policy and practice:
The expertise of our members in harm reduction informs provincial policy and practices.
All citizens have access to services provided through a lens of harm reduction.
Harm Reduction is an accepted policy and practice.
Coverage of community-based harm reduction services expand to the entire province
Strategic Direction 4 – Equitable and low barrier access to health services:
Acknowledgement that ACCH members are key health service providers in their communities.
Connection between community and health authorities.
ACCH members are community-based health service providers.
Healthy communication between community and health authorities
Collaborative relationships between the community and health authorities
Strategic Direction 5 – Community and Individual wellness:
Contributing to building healthy communities. ACCH members are community-based organizations that contribute to healthy and safe communities. Outcome
Community acceptance and involvement
Strategic Direction 6 – Indigenous Ally:
Building and reinforcing culturally appropriate connections for Indigenous members.
Participation in Indigenous strategy building for HIV, other STBBIs, and harm reduction.
Ensuring and advocating space for Indigenous members at all tables.
Active Indigenous Caucus
Healthy communication between Indigenous members and mainstream organizations
Strategic Direction 7 – Stigma and Discrimination:
Acknowledge that stigma and discrimination are real issues that impact individuals and communities.
Stigma and discrimination are systemic and pervasive
ACCH’s role is to advocate, raise awareness, and contribute to identification of stigmatizing policies and address these practices in Alberta from a community context.
Stigma and discrimination are reduced in the communities we work with
Stigmatizing practices from our partners are reduced
Strategic Direction 8 – Community based perspectives are considered at all decision-making levels.
Ensuring effective communication feedback that translates into actions.
ACCH is a key stakeholder at government tables on issues related to the mission and vision